حل مشاكل النهش والإفتراس – مجموعه أحماض أمينيه وأملاح معدنيه وفيتامينات – تعويض نقص الفيتامينات والمعادن – علاج الإجهاد الناتج عن التلقيح والهشاشه والنقل وتغيير...
ركيز عالي من الأملاح المعدنية لتغذية جميع مراحل الطائر يمنع أعراض وأمراض النقص من الاملاح المعدنية يحسن من الانتاجية ومعدل التحويل والسلام البيض ويزيد من...
مرهم للإستخدام البيطرى (للجروح والجرب والحروق ) يستخدم فى حالات سرعة التئام الجروح والإكزيما ، الحروق ، حساسية الجلد وجروح الضرع والحلمات وكغطاء وقائي قبل...
COMPLETE CAT FOOD Complete and balanced pet food. Easily digestible and great palatability. Excellent nutritional content of vitamins and minerals. NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS COMPOSITION: Meat and...
Unique formula for better health and digestibility
Migma adult cat dry food is manufactured with 30%protein sources and 13% fat to ensure healthy digestion and limit upset stomachs.healthy nutrition and balanced cat food with omega 3&6shiny and healthy coat with fiber and sustained energy
magma audit dog dry food made especially for your dog contains great ingredients for your dog's safety and health Chicken Meal - Fish Meal - Soyabean meal - Yellow Corn - Rice - Beef - Tallow and vegetable oils.enhancing your dog's nutrition system and improving his digestible system with great food providing all the necessary ingredients for your dog's growth Balanced Formula for Adult Dogs.* Highly Digestible.* Healthy Joints, Strong Bones.* Rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 for a healthy coat. for balance life growth.
Mito Adult Cat Food is designed for all adult cats to maintain good physical shape and provide all nutritional needs. Additionally, the amount of taurine,...